Our Dragons are 1 year old today!
Time is going so fast!
We wish all our dragons a very happy birthday en many more wonderful years to come.

Special birthday wishes to our own happy, funny dragon Frits!
The dragon with a heart of gold!
But there was more good news today!
Last year I worked hard for the study “Voorgezette Kynologische Kennis” by our Kennelclub.
Today they mailman came to bring my diploma 🙂
I am super proud! Next year I will start my study Extorior and Movement (Exterieur en beweging).
A Little stap closer to my goal to become a showjudge myself.

Also on the second day of the Dutch winnershow, I was a typist. This time for the Spanish judge Jose doval, who judge most of the sighthound breeds.
Also today I learned a lot.

Just in time, I was done with my work in the ring. So I could watch the placement of the Juniorclass of the Rhodesian Ridgeback.
Right in time to see Marije and Hidaya Queen of Dragons ~Nano~ become 4th Excellent!
I am so proud of these girls!!!!

For my study I do a lot of work in the ring at dogshows, when I do not show my own dogs.
It is a rule for my study, but I also like it very much and I learn a lot in the ring.
Today, at the 1st day of the Dutch Winnershow, I was typist for judge Lois Wilson, who judged some breeds I do not know anything about. Samojeed, Shiba and Shikoku.
Today Mirjam and I, took the dogs to the Fryslan Cup in Leeuwarden.
Nano, Frits and Zoë entered the show.
Because Marije could not come with us, I had the honour to show Nano.
Something I really like to do!
Junior Class:
Hidaya Never Ending Story Falkor ~Frits~
Hidaya Queen of Dragons ~Nano~
Champion Class:
Jch. Ch. Hidaya Queen of Chaos ~Zoë~
All 3 dogs received an EXCELLENT with a beautiful report.
It was a great day!
Up to the rest of the weekend.

Happy birthday to our B-litter puppy’s.
We wish you many more happy and healthy years!
Happy birthday to our own very special Nero!

This weekend was all about the CACIB Bleiswijk dogshow.
On saturday I was the typist for an Irish judge.
On Sunday we drove with Zoë and Frits to Bleiswijk again and also Nano was entered.
It was a long time since we had an indoor show, so for the young ones it was an exciting day, with a lot of impressions. But the did really good.
Ofcouse Zoë was not impressed at all with her expierence in dogshow.
Hidaya Never Ending Story Falkor ~Frits~
Junior Class
Very Good
Hidaya Queen of Chaos ~Zoë~
Champion Class
3 Excellent
Hidaya Queen of Dragons ~Nano~
Junior Class
Frits Nano Zoë
Today I want to a lecture organised by our breed club.
It was about the breedstandard trough the eyes of 2 judges (breedspecialist)
It was really an interesting day and I learned so much.

Girls weekend!
We did a last minute entry for the Wallonia dogshow (Belgium), to start our hunt for Zoë her last needed CACIB, now our waiting time is over.
We had a lovely morning at the show, with a lot of nice chats.
We were close for the CACIB, but just not close enough this time.
Nevertheless I am proud how Zoë works with me in the ring, and happy with today’s results.
Jch. Ch. Hidaya Queen of Chaos ~Zoë~
Champion class
1 Excellent
Res. CAC
No pictures of the show, so one from Zoë her dogshow preparation routine at our hotel.

Today we went to the vet with our “Golden Girls” Dolce and Mia, for their senior check.
We are happy that everything is good with them!
Dolce is now 11,5 years and Mia is 8,5 years and we hope to have them with us for some more years!

Ch. Heavens Red Angel by Luanda

Back home after another amazing show weekend!
Friday very early in the morning Marije and me start our trip to czech to be part of the CKRR clubshow, together with more dutchies
On Friday Frits and Nano had a small role in the studdog parade where their dad was part of. Friday evening after a nice dinner one of this weekend judges, Denise Flaim, gave an interesting lecture about her vision of the structure of the Rhodesian Ridgeback.
Saturday was our first show day with interesting results and the lession again that every show can be totally different from another show.
After the normal show, some of the dogs attended the special competition like best head, best ridge or best movement and Frits and Nano also where part of the studdog competition with their father.
Our results:
Hidaya Never Ending Story Falkor ~Frits~
Junior Class
Very Good on both days
Hidaya Queen of Chaos ~Zoë~
Champion Class
Excellent on both days
Zoë also made the first selection in best ridge competition
Hidaya Queen of Dragons ~Nano~
Junior Class
Day 1: Good
Day 2: Excellent
I had the opportunity to show our co-own girl Hidaya Queen of Dragons ~Nano~ on Sunday and Esther and Denise asked me to show their lovely C’huma K’akilah Juna Gaudiwa Musana ~Juna~ on both days.
I am really proud that they trust their dogs in my hands.
It was really nice to see so many new and old friends again!
CKRR organised an amazing show weekend again, and we already saved the date for 2024!
And our plans for next weekend….. HOME SWEET HOME 😉
What an amazing weekend!!!
Zoë, Frits and Nano went to the clubshow and specialty of Club ELSA in Germany,
and they allowed Marije and me to join them 😉
At a beautiful place in Bad Wildungen, the organisation made a perfect show.
And the results are really a dream!
Jch. Ch. Hidaya Queen of Chaos ~Zoë~
Champion Class
Day 1: 1 Excellent / CAC VDH / CAC Club ELSA
Day 2: 1 Excellent/ CAC VDH / CAC Club ELSA
Hidaya Never Ending Story Falkor ~Frits~
Junior Class
Day 1: 2 Excellent / Res. JCAC VDH
Day 2: 1 excellent / JCAC VDH / JCAC Club ELSA
Hidaya Queen of Dragons ~Nano~
Junior Class
Day 1: Very Good
Day 2: Excellent
We do not only do dogshows with our dogs, but also a lot of other nice things.
This weekend Ani and Frits attended a Mantrailing weekend organized by our dogschool Speurhondenschool Achterhoek.
They both worked so hard, but it was really great to see them working.
This evening a followed an online lecture about the Canine Herpes Virus.
It was very interesting and gave me a lot of new vision how to deal with it.

Today was the yearly Championshit Clubmatch from our own breedclub
Rhodesian Ridgeback Club Netherlands.
It was a beautiful day with very strict but hounest judges.
And again we are really proud of the results of the Hidaya offspring. But even more I am proud at their behavior inside en outside the ring.
Character is even more important then good looks!
The Dragons entered the Junior Class for the first time. With only 9 months and 1 week old they where te youngest in their class.
For Zoë we knew it would be a difficult day. The judge was very strict on the height of the dogs and a lot of dogs where placed lower because of their size. But unless we know Zoë is to big, we did not give up and entered the ring full of pride and joy.
Because of her size she is placed lower, but she received a beautiful judgereport., what you can read on her page with the reports.
Hidaya Never Ending Story Falkor ~Frits~
Junior Class

.Hidaya Spyro the Dragon ~Davu~
Junior Class
4 Excellent

Hidaya Queen of Dragons ~Nano~
Junior Class
Very Good

Jch. Ch. Hidaya Queen of Chaos ~Zoë~
Champion Class
Very Good

Today the owners of sweet Beau made the hardest decision a dogowner have to make.
They had to say goodbye forever to her, way too early.
Beau was from our ABBA litter and only 8,5 years young.
Dear family Berkers, we want to wish you a lot of strenght for the upcoming time.
Thank you so much for all te love and good care you gave our sweet Beau.

Today we visited two of our Hidaya offspring who live together and are best friend now.
Djambo (Dolce x Rio) and James (Ani x Romeo)
James Djambo
Today i was a ringsteward at the Yorkshire Terrier Vriendenclub.
It was very interessting to be a writer at a breed that is totally different from my own breed.
It was a very nice day and I learned a lot today.

It is holiday and we are working very hard with the renovation of our farmhouse.
But we also have time to enter a dogshow.
This time we stayed in the Neterlands and went to the CAC show in Rotterdam.
Today the Dragons had their last time in puppyclass.
Hidaya Never Ending Story Falkor ~Frits~
Puppy Class
2 Very Promising
Hidaya Spyro the Dragon ~Davu~
Puppy Class
1 Very Promising
Hidaya Queen of Dragons ~Nano~
Puppy Class
1 Very Promising
Jch. Ch. Hidaya Queen of Chaos ~Zoë~
Champion Class
2 Excellent
Jch. Ch. Hidaya Queen of Chaos
“Zoë”Hidaya Never Ending Story Falkor
This weekend the Hidaya’s did their very best at a double show.
Zoë, Frits and Nano etered the CAC show in Vierssen (Germany), with amazing results.
Hidaya Never Ending Story Falkor ~Frits~
Puppy Class
Day 1: 1 Very Promising
Day 2: 1 Very Promising & BEST PUPPY
Hidaya Queen of Dragons ~Nano~
Puppy Class
Day 1: 2 Very Promising
Day 1: 1 Very Promising
Jc. Ch. Hidaya Queen of Chaos ~Zoë~
Champion Class
Day 1: 3 Excellent
Day 2: 2 Excellent / Res. CAC VDH & Res. CAC Club ELSA
Again it was a great weekend!
The dogs did not only do their very best, but also had a lot of fun together.

Last weekend Zoë and I went to France to enter the CACIB show Chalons en Champagne.
Zoë did great as alwas, and we achieved a 2nd place with an Excellent.
We enjoyed the nice walks and had a great weekend, with just the two of us.

We are very proud to announce our first litterplans with Zoë.
At this moment we are waiting for her the start her heat, and then countdown can start.
This heat she will not have a litter yet. Because we think she is still to young.
Zoë just became to years old and she is still my happy baby girl.
That is why will wait untill her season in the beginning of 2024.
But you can alerady read everthing about our upcoming Elvis-litter
Click on the picture for all the information.
A wonderfull show-weekend came to an end.
We had so much fun, the dogs did wonderfull, and the results where great.
Saturday we went to the BRRC Ridgeback Specialty in Belgium with 4 Hidaya’s.
And ons Sunday we drove to the CACIB Pinkstershow (NL) with 3 Hidaya puppy’s.
Hidaya Spyro the Dragon ~Davu~
Minor Puppy Class Male
1 Very Promising

Hidaya Never Ending Story Falkor ~Frits~
Minor Puppy Class Male
2 Very Promising
Minor Puppy Class Male1
Very Promising
Hidaya Queen of Dragons ~Nano~
Minor Puppy Class Female
1 Very Promising
Minor Puppy Class Female
1 Very Promising
Jch. Ch. Hidaya Queen of Chaos ~Zoë~
Champion class female
3 Very Good
Champion class female
1 Excellent
2nd Best female
I am very proud of the owners of Davu and Nano who just started showing and already do so great with their puppy’s
Today it was showtime!
Marije and I drove to SRA Hoisdorf.
It was a beautiful day, good wheater, very nice atmosphere and on top also very nice results.
Hidaya Never Ending Story Falkor ~Frits~
Minor Puppy Class
1 Very Promissing
Hidaya Queen of Dragons ~Nano~
Minor Puppy Class
1 Very Promissing
Jch. CH. Hidaya Queen of Chaos ~Zoë~
Champion Class
2 Excellent
Res. CAC Club Elsa
(both CAC will count as FULL)

Today we visit Kika at Work with some of our dogs, for a photoshoot.
The results are so beautiful!
Today was a nervebreaking day!
Our grand old lady Dolce needed a surgery.
At the age of 11 this is not an easy desiccion to make, but she had a tumor that had to be removed.
We are so happy that everything went really good!
This picture is made 3 days after Dolce her operation.
Dolce thinks nothing is happend!

Today our Chaos litter already became 2 years old!
Happy birthday sweethearts!
Last week Martijn and I made a short roadtrip to Sweden, with Zoë and Frits.
First we made a visit to the male we want to use for Zoë her first litter.
We loved this visit.
More news about this planned litter will follow soon!
After that we drove to Stockholm to visit Zoë her dad.
Already for two years we planned this, and now the moment finally was there.
We made a wonderfull walk with all the dogs, and it was so nice to have a face to face chat with Ifa’s owner, Emelie again.

(Paerdecreoon Diva Dolce)
Today it is partytime, because it is Dolce het birthday!
Our sweet, gentle little lady becomes 11 years old.
Already 11 years, Dolce is part of our lives.
Mother of 2 wonderful litters.
Always sweet, always happy, always the best support for Mia.
She really becomes an old lady now.
One hour walk and an afternoon garden race with her Kong Bounzer are enough.
In the mornings she is a bit stiffer and she is getting grey over her whole body now.
Lot of sleep and lot of food, that is what she wants today 🙂 (and every other day)
And unless Dolce is doing really good, we know with this age every day is another day, but I still say, I hope to have you with us for at least one more year!

I try to keep on learning more about breeding dogs.
Tonight I started with an (online) course at Tinley Academy.
“Gedragsmatige invloeden bij het fokken van honden”
(Behaviour influence by breeding dogs).
The first class was very interesting, with a good explanation, and the teachers
let you think about what you do in breeding, why you do it, and you could do different or not.
I am looking forward to the next class.

Happy 6th birthday dear Ani!

Today we had a little reunion with the puppies of our Dragon litter.
With 6 puppies we did a little mantrailing lession.
Puppy’s and owners did great, and all enjoyed it so much.
Big thanks to all our wonderful owners who are taking so good care to our puppies!!

From left to right
James, Finn, Koba, Nano, Frits, Davu
The Rhodesian Ridgeback Club Netherlands, did an interview with me abour the PuppyCulture programm we follow for raising our litter.
I am very proud of this article.
It is only in dutch.

What a weekend we had!
After a half year show break, because of the birth of our D-litter, Zoë and I where back in the showring. And how!!!!
Brother and Sister (Meneer Janssen and Zoë) where on a showtrip to Slovenia.
In Slovenia with met some other dutch rigdeback friends for the 3 days Spring Karst Winner.
Zoë and me had some goals.
We needed one more Excellent according to our club breeding rules.
We hoped for the last needed CAC to become Slovenian Champion.
We dreamed of another CACIB point, for the international Championship.
Zoë deceided to let dreams come true this weekend, and even more!
Things I did not even dare to dream of!
JCh. Hidaya Queen of Chaos ~Zoë~
Day 1 / CACIB Miren-Kostanjevica
1 Excellent
Best Female
Everything we hoped for in 1 day and on top of it she became BEST of BREED!
This means Zoë now is
and halfway her international championship
Day 2 / CAC Kras
1 Excellent
Day 3 / CACIB Sempeter
1 Excellent
Best Female
Best of Opposite Sex
In 2022 so many dreams came true with this girl.
We had so much great results, and at the beginning of showyear 2023, she goes on with it!
We know she is above the size of the breedstandard (unfortunately), and we will work on that in her breeding, but I am so happy that a lot of judges also recognize her qualities.
As a young breeder it is really special to reach results like this with you own breeding female.

But Meneer Janssen and his owner Ilona, also did a wonderful job.
They are not expierenced in the showring, and an event like this was totally new for them.
Hidaya Captain Chaos ~Meneer Janssen~
Day 1: 1 Excellent / CAC SLO
Day 2: 1 Excellent / CAC SLO
Day 3: 2 Very Good

Our friends Bonnie and Evelien, also had wonderful results!
Many congrat with you results.
And Evelien, thank you for give me the honour to show your girl the second and third day!
I loved running her to Best of Breed the second day!

Today our ABBA puppies celebrate their 8th birthday!
I can’t believe that our first litter are seniors now!
We wish you all many more happy and healthy year!
Big kiss from the Hidaya family!
Ofcourse our Mia also becomes 8th years old today!
Last year was not easy for you with different health problems.
We hope to have you with us, for some more years!!

After the busey weekend, we stayed home today. But the socalization progress keep going on.
Today I trained with the puppy’s with the own names. Our future show puppy’s had their first stack lession today.
And unexpect there was a big loud “monster in the street. Ofcourse we use this for a socialization moment.
It was time for a trip with the car today, and then we visit one of the future owners of our puppy’s who live pretty close to us. A lot of new smells for the puppy’s.
On the way back home most of the puppy’s already fell asleep in the car.
Today the puppy’s went on a field-trip again. We made a little walk in the doggyride and then the puppy’s could discover a new place.

We try to make our puppy’s comfortable with all normal thing in life. Next week we start to train with them with walking on a leash. So today they got a collar for a little while.
Today was a beautiful day. Finally not so many rain, bit a nice winter day.
It was very nice to be outside with the puppy’s today.
Today we also did some enrinchment exercises. One of the things we do is scentwork.
We already did several excercises, and today we made it a bit more difficult.
But Nano did great!
Today was an exciting day! We matched the puppy’s with their future owners.
The past 7 weeks we observed our puppy’s very well. With the puppyculture programm we gave them a lot of enrichement excercises. Because we work individual a lot with our puppy’s we have a good opinion about their characters and needs.
The future owners visit us a lot and we had many conversations about their family, wishes and plans.
It was a big puzzle to match each puppy with his own character to the right family.
But after sleepless night and a lot of thinking we did it.
That means that all our puppy’s got a nickname now.
Two more weeks that we can enjoy our puppy’s and get them ready for the big world, before they move to their new homes.
Let me introduce them:

Hiday Never Ending Story Falkor “Frits”
will stay with us a bit longer. For us Frits is a very special boy. After the other puppy’s moved to their new homes, we will see if we can find that special house for him.
We are very thankful that two of our puppy’s are living with their new owners in co-own with us.
So we have the possibilty to use them in our breeding programm in the future.
Soon they will get their own page on our website.
Hidaya Queen of Dragons
“Nano”Hidaya Spyro the Dragon
The rest of our beautiful dragons
Hidaya Hagrid’s Norbert
“Koba”Hidaya Pete’s Dragon Elliot
“James”Hidaya Mulan’s Mushu
“Nero”Hidaya Smaug under the Mountain
“Finn”Hidaya Night Fury Toothless
“Nelson”Hidaya Dragonheart Draco
Today we had a big adventure for our puppy’s. We went to the forrest, where are not many people or dogs.
So they puppy’s could discover, sniffle, and run around.
We enjoyed them so much but it also was hard work, and counting to 9 many many times.
After yesterday’s adventure, we had a restday today. Just at home activities.
Today the vet visit us.
The puppy’s are checked by the vet, and all are happy and healthy puppy’s.
We also did a titertest, to check if they already have te be vaccinated or that they still have anough maternal antibodies.
The puppy’s still have enough antibodies for at least 3 more weeks, so we did not vaccinate them today.
When we vaccinate them today it would not work because of the maternal antibodies.
In 3 weeks the puppy’s can be test again to see if the maternal antibodies are low enough to vaccinate.
In this way our puppy’s (and also our adult dogs) will be vaccinated at the moment they need it.
Today the wheater was a little bit better, so the puppy’s went on their first trip.
Already for a couple days, the doggyride was in our room, so the puppy’s could get used to it.
Today we went out.
We walked to the industrial area and from their safe place in the doggyride the puppy’s could have a look at the trucks passing us, and the sounds and smells of all the company’s.

Today is a really bad day to go outside. The wheater station gave a code yellow for storm and heavy rain.
So we stay inside today.
It will be a good day, for nailcutting, 2nd deworming and we will go for a sniffing exercise today.
Tomorrow we are ready for new adventures again!

Today was a big day for the puppy’s.
In the morning they got a snifflemat for the first time.
They puppy’s and adult dog like it 🙂
After that their new puppy-car arrived.
And the puppy’s where so sweet to help me build up.
And last but for sure not least, the puppy’s had a 5 minutes car drive in the real car.
We put them in groups of 3 in the crate with a nice snack (puppy’s are crazy for rabbitears with hair).
I went in the backseat to watch the puppy’s reaction and Martijn was driving the car, for 5 minute.
We took some corners, a roundabout, had to stop for other traffic etc.
The puppy’s did so good. Some where looking around at the corners, but none of them was afraid and where just eating their snack.
Just 5 minutes was enough for them. you don’t have to drive for hours directly. It was just the expierence, and they where so tired afterwards.
Unfortunately the wetter was bad today, a cold wind and lot of rain. It was too cold for the puppy’s to play outside at the terras or in the garden for a long time. So we made an indoor activity. The puppy’s where very curious and loved this new expierence.
We learn our puppy’s that a crate is a happy place. The get most of their meals in their own crate.
And after the meal, we give them a snack. None of the puppy’s is afraid in the crate and if they want out, we leave them out. We learn the puppy’s that they can come out by just sitting and looking at us. Screaming or yelling is not necessary yo get our attention.
(not only to get out of they crate but in daily life also, just sitting and looking at us, is enouh)
No Mountaing high enough!
Today the puppy’s deceided that the terras at our puppypalace was not enough anymore. Some puppy’s walked in to the garden a bit. We see the puppy’s developing more every day, and they want to explore more and more everyday.

The two daughters from Ani untill now.
Meneer Janssen out of our C-litter (Ani x Ifa), passed his first scent detection test today!
Many congrats!

We are in the middle of the socialisation period, so we are very busey with the puppy’s to give them the right expierences they need at the moment.
Because of that we do not alway have enough time to give the website an update every day.
But we try to do as much as possible.
The puppy’s walked around in our puppyplace almost the whole day, they eat alone ore in couples of two in their crates, they are going outside and already expierenced a lot of things in the house now.
A lot of people already have come to visit and cuddle the puppy’s.
The puppy’s and enjoy and dicover the whole day and we enjoy the puppy’s so much.
Today the puppy’s are microchipped and there has been taken a DNA sample from all of them.
That means our puppy’s now have their own official name.
We are still looking for the perfect homes for 2 of our boys.
Contact us for more info.
Hidaya Spyro the Dragon
(creme)Hidaya Dragonheart Draco
(Dark Blue)Hidaya Nightfury Toothless
(Multi Crown)Hidaya Never Ending Story Falkor
(Yellow)Hidaya Smaug Under the Mountain
(Green)Hidaya Pete’s Dragon Elliot
(Light Blue)Hidaya Queen of Dragons
(Girl)Hidaya Hagrid’s Norbert
(Offset)Hidaya Mulan’s Mushu