News 2014

A short update from Hidaya’s place.
The dogs are doing real good.
Jambo, jumps around happy as always.
After his being sick at the end of October, he is doing fine now.
We are happy that he don’t have pain in his belly anymore.
We did not find what was wrong with him, but the most important is,
that he is ok and happy again.

Rusty is also doing fine.
Rusty is his easy self as always, and hates the cold wheater.
In the meanwhile he follows his girlfriend Dolce everywhere. .

Dolce still keep us witing.
All the puppystuff are in the house and we are ready.
But is seem like miss Dolce is not ready yet 😉
Her heeat can start everyday now, so we will “patiently” wait for it.
Untill then, she still go canicross and do all her normal thing.
It will not take so long anymore untill she will start her heat,
and then the big “Abba” adventure can start.

If you are interessted in a puppy from Dolce, you still can contact us.
Our contact information can be found at the contact page

*Dolce and Joyce after the European Championship Canicross in France*

And now mother nature deciede to change al our plans.
We expected Dolce to come in heat at the end of September/the beginning of October,
but know half November she still not has been in heat.
Our original plans were to skip this heat and mate her in the next heat.
But when we look at the time, between 2 heats, and she still has to come in heat,
we deceided to plan the mating between Dolce and Garri her next heat.
Our meain reason for that is Dolce’s age. We think 3 years is a very nice age to have
a first litter for a dog. When we skip this heat, Dolce we be almost 4 at her next heat.

We expect our Abba-litter to be born, in the beginning of 2015.
For more information, you can take a look at our litter page.
And it also no problem to contact us of course.


Happy happy birthday, sweet, grey, crazy, big, 3-legged, happy, grandpa Jambo.

In the beginning of this year, we did not expect that we could celebrate Jambo’s 9th birthday.
But he did! and how!
So very proud of this boy.
Jambo is an example fot a lot of people.
Enjoy every day to the max!

Unfortunally last weekend Jambo has been sick.
He scared us very much.
Jambo did really not feel good and had a lot of  pain in his belly.
Also the vet was afraid this was bad.
But again Jambo showed us, he is a tough one!
We made x-rays and an echo of his belly, and lucky there was noting bad going on in his belly.
And after 2 days medication he was doing much better.

The x-rays showed us some spondylose from his L7 tot his Sacrum.
But jambo still runs and jumps, so look ok with it.
Ofcourse we are going to help him with it.
Also one kidney was bigger as normal, this could be from the chemotherapy last year.
next week we will doing more research.

But for now we enjoy jambo’s birthday.
Ofcourse we hope for many more great years, but first we go for his 1 year on 3 legs birthday in february!
(i also updated jambo’s dutch diary on his own page)

Our official litter announcement:

Our ABBA-litter page is online!!
Now we can officially announce the parents for our very first Abba-litter between:

“Garri” od Kovarovske Hurky & Paerdecroon Diva “Dolce”

We are so happy with Garri as the male for our first litter.
Garri got a great character and is in perfect health.
We think Garri and Dolce will be a perfect couple to eachother, and will fill eachother in de different ways.

For more information about our Abba-litter click here to go to our litter page.

We are very thankfull that Terri, the owner of Garri, gave us the uportunitty to use Garri,
for our first litter.
And also many many thank to Henk en Edith, Dolce breeders from Paerdecroon rhodesian ridgebacks,
for all there help and advise.

We came home from a great weekend in Czech.
We drove there to visit Terrie, Stan and Hanna.
But even more to meet their male Garri.
In my search for a studdog for a litter with Dolce I found a picture of Garri.
I immediatly liked him. From the looks, he got what I was looking for in a male for Dolce.
I started to do a research on his pedigree and his pedigree together with Dolce’s pedigree.
In the meanwile I came in contact with Terrie, the owner of Garri.
After a lot of e-mails, facebook chats, sending pictures and movies from our dogs to eachother,
Terrie and I both decided that a litter between Dolce and Garri could be very nice.
But before the finall decission was made, I wanted to see Garri in real first.
And also Terrie would like to see Dolce  in real.
So last weekend the time was finally there.

We had a great weekend, a lot of talks about dogs, great walk,
and a very warm welcome from Terrie and her family.

And then Garri… Well everything Terrie told me about him was true.
I saw a really nice boy, with a great character.
Nice wheaten colour, prefect size, good angulations.
And he loves to cuddle all day.

Dolce and Garri played a lot together.
And when Garri was tired Dolce found Ebi the labrador, or Nio the other young ridgeback.

And now there will be a long wait untill summer 2015.
Then Garri and Dolce will meet again.

More information about our Abba-litter will be online very soon.

That have been a lot op updates about the last 2 months.
It have been busy times. But also great.
And there is more and more to come.

We have received Dolce DM and Blue results. From both she is non-carrier.
This weekend we have the plans for a special visit and so we hope to come with some great,
news next week again.

Next weekend also will be a great weekend I think.
Dolce and I will participate at the European Championship Canicross in France.

More shows for Dolce and me to come,  but not to much.
Dogshows are really not what dolce likes to do.
She likes it more to put on her canicross harness and run as fast as we can.
So also some more canicross matches planned, for us.

Today Dolce and Joyce have been to the dogshow in Maasttricht.
Dolce achieved a 3rd place with Very Good.

Today we have been to a canicross match in Ermelo.
It has been a while since our last match.
Joyce was very nervous, but dolce knew what to do.
go as fast as you can 🙂

We had a very nice run, and became 5th out of 14 women in our category.

This weekend was the very last RRCN Coursing.
Dolce and  Rusty made there round together.
Some people came to me to say how fast Dolce was.
Well I only tought Rusty was so slow. 😉
But it was true, Dolce became the 2nd fastest bitch of the day.
Wowie! Cool Girl.
We will see if she can hold that on untill next coursing season.
And Rusty became 8th male. And for him, that is really good 🙂

And ofcourse Jambo!
He did it again. So happy, so proud.
The last coursing of 2014, it gave me tears in my eyes to watch him.
We know we are in extra time.
And now we have to wait untill april, before he can get the lure again.
We really hope everything will go on like this and he will be there, at
the first coursing in Jubbega in 2015!.

(A huge thanks to Edward, he knows the photo’s of my dogs, but espaccially from Jambo are so special to me.
Every coursing he tries to be there when it is Jambo’s turn).

Today we had a photoshoot, with our good friend and photographer/designer Kika@Work.
We want some nice pictures of the dogs alone, together and with us.
Unfortunally it was very hot for this semptember day, and after 15 minutes, all tongues are out.
So photo’s together with us,  headshots and together of them, have to make on another day.
But we already have some really great photo’s of our crazy ones.


Today was the RRCN Clubshow.
After 5 years I had the change to show my own dogs again.
So I entered Dolce and also Rusty in the open Class.

Dolce achieved a Very Good, but with a very nice judgereport.

Rusty has been out of the showring for I think 2 year.
And he came back in Style.
A short practise the evening before and he new what to do.
Because I had to be in the ring with Dolce the same time,
Ilse (who was with me when I picked up Rusty in 2009), showed Rusty individual.
I only saw a waggling tail in the ring.
Out of 13 males there were  only 5 with an Excellent, and Rusty was 1 of them.
For the placements I could show Rusty myself.
And togheter we runned to a 4th place.
That was so great, after a long time no showing.
The judge wrote on his report:  “moves like it is so easy for him”.
And that is exactlly how I think about his momvement.
So easy, very sound, great movemennt.

Joyce in study for Canine Massage therapist.
Today was the exam for the second part.
With a 45 minutes presantation about Sportmassage for dogs, I past my exam.
The examniators were impressed by my presentatation.
ofcourse, this is not the end of the study.
I want to become a good massage therapist for dogs, with a specialisation for
So a lot more work to do.

I also work a lot on Jambo with massage, to help his body.
Everything changed after his operation, and his body can use some help sometimes.

It was a rainy and cold weekend at the coursing in Venlo.
But we had a great time.
On saturday we did go for a canicross training with I think 10 teams.
Dolce and me had much fun.
Martijn and Rusty wenst for bikejoring, but Rusty did his own thing, and
did not want to get very tired.
On Sunday, Rusty and Dolce both did there coursing and
of course jambo also.
Unless the wheater we had a great weekend.
Almost the last RRCN Coursing of this year.

unfortunally no pictures this time.

Time for an update of our website.
We are enjoying the great summer, so not much time inside to update our website.

We have been to the RRCN Coursing in Rotterdam,
Dolce runned with BinQ, from our friends.
BinQ showed Dolce how fast he is, and became 3rd.
And Dolce, again, she deceide not to finish today.
But next time she will run for sure, because the next RRCN weekend is at our homebase Venlo.

Rusty showed msiri what coursing is.
But she was way to fast for him.

Jambo is doing really great.
The hot weather is heavy for him.
But with his cooljacket he finds his way, to deal with it.
I made an update on his (dutch) diary, at his own page.
This week it is already 6 months ago, he was operated.
And he still goes strong. Our superboy!

Rusty is doing like always easy, and don’t get tired.
For the first an probably also the last time this year, he will enter a show.
I entered him for the Clubshow next month.
We will see.

In the meantime, Rusty is my school buddy, for my
study to become a massagetherapist for dogs.

And also Dolce is doing great.
Happy as alway, and energetic as always.
We are waiting for het DM and Blue Delute results, but don’t expect anything strange.

Also Dolce is entered for some shows.
And we are back in training, so we hope we can enter the
dutch championship canicross in November.

Picture by KIKA@WORK

Dolce and Joyce had been to the dogshow in Genk (B).
Dolce achieved a 2nd place with very good.

Coursing weekend again!!!
This weekend we have been to Spaarndam, to enjoy the RRCN coursingweekend.
It was a great weekend.
In the morning we did a litlle round of Lure Coursing and Dolce and Rusty both liked it.
In the afternoon, Rusty and Dolce started together with Okoza, from my friend Sylvia.
Okoza and Dolce deceided not to go around and both came back.
Rusty did not understand the ladies and did not know what to do.
So he finished his round in the very bad time from 50 sec.
(Normally he runs around in 30 sec).
But we had great, sunny weekend with friends and fun!
And Rusty got the price, for the way he finished his round.
And of course also Jambo run his 15 meters again!
At the finish we did not get him from the lure, and finally he took 2 lure’s with him.
Good boy!!!

Today we went to the specialist with Jambo, for his very last treatment.
Jambo behaved very well.
But we are so happy, that it is finished now.
Since January, Jambo has been to the vet at least every 3 weeks, and sometimes more.

Now we are going to enjoy Jambo’s extra time, to the max.
We hope he is doing like he does now for a very long time.
But in his situation every month is 1 more.
We will go on with Jambo’s diary on his own page.

Dolce and Joyce went to the “Jachthonden” show today.
It was a very hot day, and Dolce was the very very last to be judged.
She achieved an “Excellent”.
We are very satisfied with this result.
It was a very long time for both of us to be in the showring.

Joyce had a schoolday, for her study to become a massagetherapist for dogs.
Rusty and Dolce were with me.
One of the parts of today, was brainwork and balance-training in combination with massage.
Ofcourse we have to practice that.
Doce and Rusty liked it very much.

Today the mailman had very good news for us.
The Dutch Kennelclub send us the certificates, with Dolce’s Hip and Elbow results.
And it was the best she could get, HD-A and ED-Free.

This weekend was the RRCN coursing in Rijssen.
Unfortunally for Rusty, he was not allowed to run because his feet need to heal from
a little wound.
Dolce run the first round alone, and the second round she started together with Okoza,
but Okoza decided to turn around after a couple of meters.
Next time we will try it again.

And of course Jambo, also run his straight line.
Thanks to Simon, who made a new lure very fast, so Jambo, could take “his trophy” with him.

This weekend, we were with our company HondenCompleet at a big canicross match
in Amerongen.
Of course Jambo, Rusty and Dolce were with us.
And on Sunday Martijn and Dolce joined the match.
For Martijn it was a heavy parcours, but Dolce just had a lot of fun.
Martijn and Dolce finished the 2700 meter on a 7th place in a time of 11.24 minutes.
That means there average speed was 14.21 km/h.


We want to welcome you at our brand new website.
At this website, you can follow our Rhodesian Ridgebacks.

We decided to make a new website, because, we did not update the old website
for a long time.
A lot of things changed last year, and a lot of new plans are on the way.
So a new time, a new chapter, means also a new website.

You can visit, Jambo, Rusty and Dolce trough their own pages.
And of course our little star *Jinaki*, will not be forgotten, and also
got her own page.

You can find a lot of information about our dogs, and all our activities.

We hope you like your stay at our website, and hope you will visit us again.

Martijn & Joyce
Jambo, Rusty & Dolce